Maklaiheung Gallery is an online gallery of Asian Art and Antiquities based in rural Ontario. Its stock, composed of thousands of items of ceramics, bronzes, sculptures and articles of adornment, has been assembled over a period of nearly sixty years. Our acquisitions have been made in almost every country in Asia as well as North America and Europe.
Our primary areas of expertise are in Southeast Asian artifacts and in ancient beads and pendants from all parts of the continent, but you can’t understand the regional and specific without a knowledge of the whole, and so the collection also has holdings in areas as widely separated as antique pots from the village of Onta in Japan and indigenous Kiffa beads from Mauritania in West Africa.
We have advised a large number of public museums and private collectors on their acquisition opportunities for man years, and we are now releasing a small part of our stock onto the market. This, we are sure, is how antiquities are best preserved and appreciated – by being passed from one person who loves them to another.